Sky Ghosts All for One Sky Ghosts Series Book 1 edition by Alexandra Engellmann Literature Fiction eBooks

Sky Ghosts All for One Sky Ghosts Series Book 1 edition by Alexandra Engellmann Literature Fiction eBooks
Sky Ghosts: All for One was a thrilling ride from start to finish. Our heroine(s) kept giving me flashes of familiar characters: Buffy Summers, Faith (also from the Buffy series), River Tam, Beatrix Kiddo (aka "The Bride")...if you're a fan of ass-kicking female leads in the vein of heroes* like these, you may find what you're looking for in the character of Patricia, AKA Pain, and her sister Jane: a consummate sword-fighter with virtually no equal.And yet, as impressive as Pain's martial prowess is, it's not her most fascinating trait. In this character, I also saw shades of other familiar characters, most notably Dr. Gregory House, M.D., if you'll allow me a minute to explain. Much like with the titular TV character, Engellmann's heroine has a noble and vulnerable core, defined by a deep-rooted desire to help that, like House, they view as a weakness or something to be hidden. Accordingly, Pain's true nature is wrapped under layers of sarcasm, feigned indifference, and even cruelty at times, and only the characters (and readers) willing to dig deep enough will find what lies beneath.
This is what allows the other characters to shine through, from her "to-the-death" sister Jane, to her friends among their order who came to respect Pain after being introduced to the reason behind her nickname, to those who are almost innately able to see past the gruff and grumpy nature she wears as a veil, knowing that there is gold at the heart without ever actually seeing it. Engellmann presents a heroine whose self-inflicted flaws can't even drive her friends away, and in fact just make them all the more willing to fight and die for her, just as she would do for them, no matter what she might say to their faces.
The combat scenes can be graphic, so your personal tastes may differ here, but there is one particular stretch of the book where there's fighting, then what seems to be an end, only to turn out to be a momentary lull before more fighting erupts. And then more, and then more. It's a thrilling roller coaster of adrenaline and emotion, to the point where the reader is left thinking, "When will they get 5 seconds to breathe?" Alexandra has captured the senses of urgency and desperation, and because of the way the reader is drawn to actually care about the protagonists, it's a thrill ride for both the actors and the audience.
Overall, Sky Ghosts is a great mixture of sword-fighting, humor, wit, sexual tension, and "imperfect romance" that brilliantly lets the readers feel like the characters, while supernatural, are fairly ordinary people underneath it all. We are left to care about the characters, and care what happens to them, and that keeps us turning pages - which means the book is a success. I am looking forward to future volumes in the series, especially after the ending.
* - Disclaimer: Faith and Beatrix Kiddo aren't exactly "heroes," but for the sake of argument....

Tags : Sky Ghosts: All for One (Sky Ghosts Series Book 1) - Kindle edition by Alexandra Engellmann. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Sky Ghosts: All for One (Sky Ghosts Series Book 1).,ebook,Alexandra Engellmann,Sky Ghosts: All for One (Sky Ghosts Series Book 1),Fiction Action & Adventure,Fiction Fantasy Urban
Sky Ghosts All for One Sky Ghosts Series Book 1 edition by Alexandra Engellmann Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
The pace of this book was like liquid mercury, the flow was unstoppable. I loved the characters a bit snarky, but unwavering loyalty. Action incredible. If you are looking for a new fantasy-action-romance this is it. The glimpses of different characters in the story leaves many story lines to explore. I will be there for it.
I found this book by accident... But it sure was worth it. The story keeps you engaged from the very beginning... I think that Ms Engellmann has developed one of the most unique societies that I've encountered in my reading history... I suspect that the characters will be more fully developed in future books...
This first book is a very good coming off age story about the least obvious character introduced and it's not until the last 1/3 of the book that you start getting a glimpse of just who that may be... A very good start... I'm looking forward to the next installment and her story telling style...
I'm not a huge fan of the "Urban Fantasy" genre, but if more of them were like this one, I would be. The story follows Pain, a 'Sky Ghost' with a bit of an attitude problem; Chad, a young man who finds himself up to his neck in a war he never knew existed and wants no part of; Jane, Pain's sister and the one that got all the tact and pleasantness in the family; and Dave, Chad's friend who's just as lost as him. These characters are thrown into dangerous situations again and again, barely making it away. To complement these characters, there's a wonderful cast of colorful and unique minor characters that are BEGGING for their own books (Skull being the first on my list).
As soon as the book is, it does have some slow points. But, don't let that stop you, it's worth it in the end. A solid read for anyone who likes action stories. And kick-@$$ chicks with swords.
I will admit it, I knew I would like this book after reading the dedication. It didn’t give away the end, but it showed an acute sense of humor. There is so much to like about this book. For starters, there is no set POV for this story. For many readers the POV establishes who the main character is, tells us who we should be paying attention to. Some authors try to pass it around and too often that leads to continuity and flow issues with the story. Who wants to read a novel that sounds like it should be four different stories? That was not an issue here. Changing between the main characters was seamless and allowed the reader to take time to consider what was really going on in the story and just who the story was actually about.
I totally enjoyed the characters . There is always a chance with super powers to be cliche. The powers either corrupt a person or they are unrealistically altruistic, and in almost all cases non powered characters either become bitter or sycophantic. Not so here. The Sky Ghosts are made up of wonderfully diverse people that never seem to lose their human frailty despite being able to fly, fight to death and heal themselves like total badasses. Their “powerless” counterparts may seem a bit lost at first, but only because they are thrown into a world so unlike what they know. They all have something to offer and there is a nice balance that plays out to the end of the story. I really loved that the strong women stayed feminine and even a bit girly and that the men managed, in the end at least, to appreciate their strength along with the feminine and girly.
I liked that this story isn’t just supernatural, it isn’t just action, it isn’t just a romance. Real life doesn’t work that way and it is nice to see it reflected in fiction. It had some great twists and even when I knew what was coming I didn’t see it all, which is refreshing for me. I do have one complaint. The synopsis refers Dave and Chad as boys and going into the story based on that, I was expecting children not young men actually older than than the sisters who are fighters that an army of Sky Beasts fear.
This book had me hooked from beginning to end. It would have been a terrific page turner had there been pages to turn. I cannot wait to read the rest of the series and see how it plays out. I heartily recommend this book to everyone 8th grade and up. There is violence and some minor adult humor.
Sky Ghosts All for One was a thrilling ride from start to finish. Our heroine(s) kept giving me flashes of familiar characters Buffy Summers, Faith (also from the Buffy series), River Tam, Beatrix Kiddo (aka "The Bride")...if you're a fan of ass-kicking female leads in the vein of heroes* like these, you may find what you're looking for in the character of Patricia, AKA Pain, and her sister Jane a consummate sword-fighter with virtually no equal.
And yet, as impressive as Pain's martial prowess is, it's not her most fascinating trait. In this character, I also saw shades of other familiar characters, most notably Dr. Gregory House, M.D., if you'll allow me a minute to explain. Much like with the titular TV character, Engellmann's heroine has a noble and vulnerable core, defined by a deep-rooted desire to help that, like House, they view as a weakness or something to be hidden. Accordingly, Pain's true nature is wrapped under layers of sarcasm, feigned indifference, and even cruelty at times, and only the characters (and readers) willing to dig deep enough will find what lies beneath.
This is what allows the other characters to shine through, from her "to-the-death" sister Jane, to her friends among their order who came to respect Pain after being introduced to the reason behind her nickname, to those who are almost innately able to see past the gruff and grumpy nature she wears as a veil, knowing that there is gold at the heart without ever actually seeing it. Engellmann presents a heroine whose self-inflicted flaws can't even drive her friends away, and in fact just make them all the more willing to fight and die for her, just as she would do for them, no matter what she might say to their faces.
The combat scenes can be graphic, so your personal tastes may differ here, but there is one particular stretch of the book where there's fighting, then what seems to be an end, only to turn out to be a momentary lull before more fighting erupts. And then more, and then more. It's a thrilling roller coaster of adrenaline and emotion, to the point where the reader is left thinking, "When will they get 5 seconds to breathe?" Alexandra has captured the senses of urgency and desperation, and because of the way the reader is drawn to actually care about the protagonists, it's a thrill ride for both the actors and the audience.
Overall, Sky Ghosts is a great mixture of sword-fighting, humor, wit, sexual tension, and "imperfect romance" that brilliantly lets the readers feel like the characters, while supernatural, are fairly ordinary people underneath it all. We are left to care about the characters, and care what happens to them, and that keeps us turning pages - which means the book is a success. I am looking forward to future volumes in the series, especially after the ending.
* - Disclaimer Faith and Beatrix Kiddo aren't exactly "heroes," but for the sake of argument....

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