Bear the Heat Fire Bears Book 3 edition by T S Joyce Paranormal Romance eBooks

Bear the Heat Fire Bears Book 3 edition by T S Joyce Paranormal Romance eBooks
Loved the book and love the writer! This is the 5th or 6th series I've read of hers and have loved them all.
Tags : Bear the Heat (Fire Bears Book 3) - Kindle edition by T. S. Joyce. Paranormal Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,T. S. Joyce,Bear the Heat (Fire Bears Book 3),Fiction Romance Fantasy,Fiction Romance Paranormal
Bear the Heat Fire Bears Book 3 edition by T S Joyce Paranormal Romance eBooks Reviews
I loved the crap out of this romance. It's a good series. I recommend it. Read it start to finish. There are no cliff hangers, but there is an overarching storyline that should be followed in order.
It's good romancy romance with solid, likable characters. I look forward to getting my paws on the lumberjack bear series. I'm not sure what the exact name is... Axeman, Lumberjack, wood-splitter... Something. I refused to read the series, because the names make me roll my eyes near out of my head. That said... I am prepared to admit that I'm judging a book by it's cover and that makes me the fool.
I adore the Wolf Bride series... Holy Carp! Then I liked this series a lot. I am now expecting to fall in love with some burly sexy bears who, apparently, have wood.
There are nuggets of wisdom in every T.S.Joyce book. I look for them hidden in the story! Boone and Cora make a terrific couple. I love how The romance was hot and their expressions of love unique and suited to their personalities. He approved of and cherished her strength. The humorous names for the male member was cute.
Additionally, the whole shifters coming out is well done in this series. I'm not ashamed to say I cried.
If these books come out on Audible they will be an autobuy without a doubt. Highly recommended!💓
Oh, I loved this book so much! Boone was absolutely wonderful, and better than I expected, and Cora was a doll. Loved these two together and really enjoyed getting to see the troubles the Keller’s have been dealing with continuing on throughout each story seamlessly, and how the people around them have handled it.
And that ending! Yet another unexpected turn with the Keller’s and their mates. Loved it!
Overall, highly recommend this book as well!
And they all lived Happily Ever After. That's the end, and I loved it. But, Oh my gosh, the difficulties getting there were extreme.
Our heroine in this story is a news reporter who has been supportive of the bear shifters since they had to come out in front of humans. Cora has been supporting them, but had never met Boone, our bear shifter, firefighter, in person before. She is incredibly attracted to him. He is sometimes clearly attracted, but sometimes closed off. Boone has known that she is the one for him since he saw her from a distance, but he fears that the controversy and danger will harm her, so he wants to stay away. I loved both main characters, and the characters that starred in the previous books appear here too. We get a chance to explore what it would be like to expose yourself as a bear shifter or a bear shifter lover. Cora, as a human, has a chance to create a positive impression of the bear shifter family. It is a great book, with thoughtful insights, action, danger, love and sex. I really enjoyed it.
Overall Rating 4.5 Rockin’ ★★★★☆
Every good series has a puzzle piece missing and when it is revealed everything clicks and you are given a different perspective on the characters. In Bear the Heat, T.S. Joyce connects the dots with the Keller brother’s future and the beginning of the human race knowledge of their existence. The werebear shifters and the human world will never be the same. Boone and Cora's search for peace, love and happiness is a bumpy road for the couple but in the end love prevails.
Boone Keller is haunted by his past and lives with the nightmares associated with those events. Cora Wright is a journalist and loyal activist for the shifters. From the moment she realizes that shifters do exist, she tries to help humans acclimate to the idea.
Tolerance because you're different is prevalent in the third book of the Fire Bear series and T.S. Joyce sensitively establishes that awareness. The Ashe Crew also makes a cameo appearance that of course enhances the storyline! Which of course leaves the question...when do we get the next book? Another amazing paranormal book added to my growing library!
Bear the Heat is written in third person with a high amount of explicitly detailed sexual content and adult language. It is a short to medium length book. This is the third story in the Fire Bears series and is connected to the Damon’s Mountains/Saw Bears books. You need to read Fire Bears book 1, Bear My Soul and book 2 Bear the Burn before reading this one.
Boone is the brother to Cody and Dade from the first two books. Boone seems to be more unstable and quicker to temper than his brothers. It makes for a great contrast in the crew and wonderful story to unfold. He believes he is more damaged and ‘less than’ his brothers so acts out as a defense; once we get to know him, we understand it all… just a Cora does. Cora we briefly meet in Bear the Burn as she is a reporter and covered the ‘coming out to the world’ aspect. In the beginning she is hurt and seems to be a person that gets walked all over but she is determined to ‘get her live back’ and move on. She proved to be a great friend, not just to shifters but to everyone and she is a wonderful mate to Boone. She is understanding and kind. Her outlook shapes how the world sees shifters; without her view the world would be lacking. She is determined and that quickly comes into play.
The story is well developed and clear with good editing and consistency throughout. I highly recommend all the Damon’s mountains books but advise reading them in order.
Look, don't judge me, but I like these books. When I read critically, I'm not thrilled with these. But when I read for fun, I enjoy these. They're easy, light, fun, and I like them. Are they for the advanced, critical reader? NO. But if you can turn that off and read a silly, sappy romance that is a little (or a lot) smutty and enjoy it without being annoyed by the fact the romance happens WAY too fast, then read them. They're cute.
Loved the book and love the writer! This is the 5th or 6th series I've read of hers and have loved them all.

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