Gods of Ruin A Political Thriller eBook JSB Morse

Gods of Ruin A Political Thriller eBook JSB Morse
A very different political thriller, if you can call it that. I did enjoy the story; in fact, I took a break in between parts to let the story and characters sink in better. No disrespect to the author with my next comment - anyone buying this book and expecting to get an Ayn Rand level of story and then coming here to complain about it, wake up. The author in no way (IMO) made himself into A. Rand's contemporary. However, that being said, the story was still interesting and relevant to today's world events. I think this is a book my teen daughter could read and understand, and that is definitely good.
Tags : Amazon.com: Gods of Ruin: A Political Thriller eBook: JSB Morse: Kindle Store,ebook,JSB Morse,Gods of Ruin: A Political Thriller,New Classic Books,FICTION Political,FICTION Thrillers Espionage,FICTION Thrillers Suspense,FICTION Thrillers General
Gods of Ruin A Political Thriller eBook JSB Morse Reviews
Not worth your time - mere partisan politics
The premise intrigued me which is why I purchased it. I am 1/4 of the way through and don't know if I can keep going. It is not gripping writing on the scale of Lee Child who I think writes a very tightly scripted book. The author throws in "big" words periodically as if that makes him more educated and interesting. The characters are shallow and their conversations pendantic and very "old boy". I love Ayn Rand and this guy is not on the same planet as her. She knows how to present fully developed characters. I wish he had gotten an editor who could have removed all the extraneous verbage and tightened up the plot and story line.
`Gods of Ruin' is a classic fictional account of a civilization in social and political turmoil. Like `Atlas Shrugged' or `Nineteen Eighty-four' before it, this book takes the great questions of the current age and frames them around a gripping narrative that draws the reader in and reveals truth in a very entertaining way. In fact, many of the same problems Rand and Orwell faced in the '40s and '50s are still relevant, and, as Morse has shown, still make for a compelling story. But `Gods of Ruin' is in no way a simple rehashing of those standards; it is original and timely in its own right and provides another name to the list of political masterpieces.
The most unique aspect of this piece is the brilliant insight the author lends into the inner workings of contemporary policy making and Washington D.C. culture. No one can know for sure if this exact story would ever take place in real life, but the reader can be sure that similar stories are going on right now in the power centers of the world--simply read the headlines or tune into chatter in political spheres. With `Gods of Ruin,' Morse puts faces and names to those obscure images, and gives the audience something tangible with which to grasp the state of the modern geopolitical system.
In doing so, Morse provides us with a constellation of characters that are absolutely unforgettable--the outsider Com DeGroot, the political hack Kevin Donovan, the career people's man Roger Thurston, the slimy back-room guy Duane Delano, the old sage Freeman Jennings, the cheery idealist Santiago Garza, the sophisticated beauty Cate Heatherton. Their interactions all weave together to form some of the most memorable scenes and dialogues this reader has come across in modern fiction, scenes that almost beg for a follow-up movie.
Perhaps the best endorsement one could give for this book is the fact that these characters and scenes stand out beyond the ideological underpinning. It is true that Morse has political beliefs and he uses this book as a way to promote those beliefs (successfully, I might add), but he does so in such a way that is not hostile or condescending like other political novels might. He does not put his own words in the virtuous and productive characters and then put anyone else's in fruitless and lazy characters--all shades of the political spectrum are represented in this text, and good cases are made for each. Morse leaves it up to the reader to decide what to make of the libertarian city Ur and modern civilization as a whole. It is that approach that makes this book such a great work, and, one might speculate, makes this book a central component to solving the various problems we currently face.
All in all, this is an absolute masterpiece of socio-political commentary. Read it today, then give copies to everyone you know. Get together and discuss the ideas, and, above all, promote and support any endeavor you come across that stands as a true defender of freedom. You can't go wrong starting here.
It's very defficult to write a novel about your political and philosophical belief (libertarianism) without making it sound too preachy or without placing the message above your characters and the plot. I think JSB Morse has accomplished what many others have not, he has managed to stay true to message while still creating a wonderful and moving novel.
Although, this story is set in the USA, in the future......it easily applies to today. It's a story about love, freedom, political lies, blackmail and an out of control federal government that only gives lip service to the Constitution. It's about having the courage to stand up for what you believe in and the conviction to do something about it.
This is a wonderful novel and I really enjoyed reading it. I hope that JSB Morse has more novels in the works, because I can't wait to read them!
Note The formating in this ebook is not as good as it could be, but that by no means takes anything away from the quality of the writing or the over all novel.
Entertaining reading.
I've not written a review before but had to after reading this book. It sure has it's corny moments such as the characters always shouting and Kevin always lusting after women but the theme of a degraded American society in which we willingly are turning more and more of our lives over to the government hits close to the bone. The examples used such as the housing meltdown, the Great Depression, a government take over of the Internet to insure our "safety" and other ideas are skillfully put in the context of this novel. The parallels to today's events and the rise of the Tea Party movement are eerily familiar. The book also points out that in the hands of a skillful writer anything can be made to sound like the best thing since sliced bread or evil. The scenes regarding the various media types and the way they portray events make me want to question everything that real life media does today. The only way to try and get a true perspective is to read &/or watch many different venues and make up your own mind.
Could this happen in America? Maybe it already has!
A very different political thriller, if you can call it that. I did enjoy the story; in fact, I took a break in between parts to let the story and characters sink in better. No disrespect to the author with my next comment - anyone buying this book and expecting to get an Ayn Rand level of story and then coming here to complain about it, wake up. The author in no way (IMO) made himself into A. Rand's contemporary. However, that being said, the story was still interesting and relevant to today's world events. I think this is a book my teen daughter could read and understand, and that is definitely good.

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