The Time Hunters and the Box of Eternity Book 2 of the Time Hunters Saga edition by Carl Ashmore Andrew Gaia Children eBooks

The Time Hunters and the Box of Eternity Book 2 of the Time Hunters Saga edition by Carl Ashmore Andrew Gaia Children eBooks
If it weren't for so many incorrect
Tags : The Time Hunters and the Box of Eternity: Book 2 of the Time Hunters Saga - Kindle edition by Carl Ashmore, Andrew Gaia. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Time Hunters and the Box of Eternity: Book 2 of the Time Hunters Saga.,ebook,Carl Ashmore, Andrew Gaia,The Time Hunters and the Box of Eternity: Book 2 of the Time Hunters Saga,Addlebury Press,Juvenile Fiction Legends, Myths, Fables Other,Juvenile Fiction Time Travel
The Time Hunters and the Box of Eternity Book 2 of the Time Hunters Saga edition by Carl Ashmore Andrew Gaia Children eBooks Reviews
Another shining series that engages the young & the young of heart.
5 stars for top value, great reads, great entertainment.
I bought the first of the series from an ad-hoc flag via Buffet, consumed it & bought the 2nd without hesitation (no sampling needed). At the end of the 2nd, left still wanting for more, rinse and repeat upon realising the 3rd of the series was also already out there.
The series "may" be a little (very little) predictable in parts but that's not necessarily a bad thing & made up for in equal or more parts of the unexpected. Great twists on some points of history & mythology. NOT in any way shape or form a time travelling norm of travel in time, get trapped & then endure a long drawn out possibly boring account of how to get back.
Look forward to touching base "solidly" with the kids Dad; hope that is coming very soon in the series & can't wait for the next in the series; please keep them coming.
I was reading this before I read it to my school age students for the summer program and I'm glad I did. A nice time traveling adventure story but with a little bit of profanity, nothing children probably haven't heard already but I didn't think it was necessary for a middle school level book of this type.
This book carries on from the first in the series, and is more or everything - more action, more thrills, more nail-biting, edge of the seat action, and an even more satisfying conclusion.
The plotting is tight and has lots of unexpected twists and turns, in time as well as events, but it all comes together perfectly in the end. We see our old favourite characters, Becky, Joe and Uncle Percy, Will and the rest, plus some exciting new ones. The action moves to such diverse places as New York and the Caribbean and plenty of diverse times as well. There is a flavour of the Pirates or the Caribbean movies too - which adds to the fun.
Altogether an excellent successor to book one and leaves us looking forward to the next installment.
Excellently paced and completely worthy successor to Time Hunters 1. We see the kids mature and grow up fast, as kids tend to do when approaching adolescence. The bond between the main protagonists, Uncle Percy, Becky, Joe and Will, deepens as they continue on their adventures travelling through time. We see an introduction of some loveable new characters (and some diabolical characters). As with Time Hunters 1 we see the amazing blending of historical fact and imaginative fantasy. Towards the end I was thinking "how are we going to get out of this one" and "please, don't leave us with a cliff-hanger". A highly satisfying ending that tied up all of the strands developed throughout this wonderful romping adventure. The characters are beautifully drawn, there is a balance between fun and real human drama, the plotting is meticulous and ingenious. While reading this book you'll chuckle and you'll tear up and you'll have to read just one more chapter. As Bob, the "female impersonator" in Blackadder Goes Forth says "always leave them wanting more" and that's exactly what the author does. Now we have to wait for Time Hunters 3. Spewing (as kids used to say in Australia).
Oh yeah, and also kids might like this book.
OK, I mostly enjoyed the first book (reminds me of The Librarians TV series). Yes, it's mostly for a younger audience, so I suspend belief for the sake of some, at times, outrageous entertainment. I enjoyed the characters and wanted to continue the story. However... This second book is becoming very tedious. The error rate is increasing at an alarming rate. The first book had some, which is sadly becoming the norm. (Doesn't anyone check their work before releasing it?) But I'm finding multiple errors per page in this one, which just doesn't let me immerse myself in the story. Not only are there various punctuation problems (missing beginning or ending quotes, Im instead of I'm...), within one paragraph he can't even keep straight which vehicle they are in. It's Beryl, it's Bertha, it's Beryl... (But, I LOVED the little twist with Beryl. I won't say what it is so as not to spoil it for others, but one of the modifications was just an absolute hoot!)
So, a book that I should breeze through in a couple of hours is taking much longer because I keep getting brought up short (yes, I take notes & report errors). I haven't finished this one & I'm not sure I will. I know there's an update available on #3, so I may give that a shot, hoping they've fixed a bunch of errors. (But why not in the rest of the series?)
Mr. Ashmore has a wild imagination. Cleaning up these books could really make for a 4.5 star read.
Oh, and, I get that you're a Brit (which is the root of some of the things I stumble over), but, just for your education - they way you've drawn Bruce is SO wrong. Arizonans are nothing like that. You might want to make him from Texas & your characterization would be a touch more accurate. Most Arizonans don't wear cowboy hats, have no drawl, etc. (I should know - I've lived in AZ for over 30 years.)
Please go back and proof/edit your work and release an update. It really has the potential to be enjoyable. (Though... I agree with what I saw someone else write about Becky getting a bit annoying.)
Oh! Almost forgot - the TOC is hosed, at least on my copy. It shows Cover, Chapter 2, End. Not particularly useful. Downloaded to both a K5 and PW & neither has a functional TOC. (Book 1 was fine) At the very beginning, there is a list of chapters, unlined as if they are links, but they don't work.
Edit 8/16
Finished the book. Very tedious. SO many errors. Very disappointing. I used the PW's reporting feature to report a couple dozen errors, but there were at least that many more that I didn't report because it was becoming a chore. After all, why should Mr. Ashmore get free proofreading services?
And, while this may be written for a young audience, one shouldn't be sloppy in plot or mechanics. I don't want to write any spoilers, but he finally treads into the problem (there's a name for it, but I can't recall it right now) where there's a scene that has evidence of something having happened, then something happens, but it then goes back in time & the older incident gets changed from a leap back, but that would mean the first thing never happened, sending someone back in time... I'm not explaining it well, but it's a circular paradox that couldn't happen. Time loop - that's the phrase.
And, the more I read, the more I agree with a few others, Becky's really starting to annoy me. She's becoming a little prima donna that is acting like a spoiled brat and is getting away with it. If she were a few years older, she might be able to demand answers and things with a little more credibility. Obviously, Percy keeps caving to their wishes to be put in danger because this is a fantasy book for kids, so it's written for them to live vicariously. I get that. But, still...
If it weren't for so many incorrect

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